Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. [Not sure if this should go under discussion or support]I was browsing through the TFCraft repo on github and looking over all the commits Bioxx has been making. And then I opened up the license.txt and saw GPL v3 - it made my day. I'm assuming Bioxx was the one who made that decision since his name is on the relevant commit, but if the idea came from someone else, thank you whoever you are. It's sad that FOSS, let alone open source software, is not more common amongst Minecraft mods. Modding Minecraft is not that hard to get into and I think the modding community would be a whole lot better off if it was easier to build off of the work other modders have already done. And given how large and full of potential Terrafirmacraft is, giving people a way to make their own changes to the mod is very empowering and helpful. Maybe I'm just being naive of the fact that the Dev API and addons exist, but I would much rather read and screw around with the original source code itself and test out modifications in-game rather than post the contents of my daydreams to the forum.So, I'm a programmer who's trying to get into Java and Minecraft modding and I was excited by the license because of all the things I would want to modify about survival mode Minecraft, Terrafirmacraft makes many of them already and I would rather work to extend/improve than than start something from scratch (for now ). I'm perfectly aware that addons and the Dev API exist, so I'd just like to ask the community and ideally the developers the following questions just for clarifications:0) How deliberate, serious and/or permanent was the decision to use GPL v3? What was the reasoning and/or intentions behind it? 1) Am I allowed to redistribute TFC provided I'm not charging money for it? As part of a modpack? 2) Furthermore, am I allowed to release and distribute my own modified version of TFC provided I'm not charging money for it and making the source of my own changes publicly available and properly credit Bioxx, Dunk, et al. for that which is not my work? 3) Finally, what's the policy on pull requests? Bioxx stated on the Twitter account that he doesn't like others touching his code. Should I generally assume that any features or improvements I make are unwanted upstream and should just get posted as an addon? Upstream for bug fixes, downstream for game changes? Much of this is addressed to some degree within the body of the license itself, but I'm asking anyways because I'm not sure how interested/open Bioxx and Dunk are to suggestions in the form of code. Thank you again for making Minecraft just a little more open.